Yesterday, the Dutch Government ordered a hard lockdown in the country because of the Covid-19 pandemic. Where many had hoped that high levels of...

Mountain cabin
Čavljak is one of the more frequented recreational areas near Sarajevo. It is part of Ozren Mountain, just to the North-East of the city. The...

Korida – Bullfighting Bosnian style
When I hear of bullfighting, I am immediately associated with the activity’s negative connotations such as animal suffering, sadism, and the...

Refugees, migrants, humans.
Sarajevo, May 2018 In May 2018, a number of people who fled their countries set up camp in the centre of Sarajevo, just across the iconic City Hall...

Lake Perućac
Lake Perućac, June 2018 In June 2018, I spent a weekend on the shores of Lake Perućac which forms the border between Bosnia and Herzegovina and...